Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Links of Assistance

JewsByChoice.Org is a grassroots, peer run, group blog focused on providing Jews by Choice (as well as other interested parties) with opportunities for exploring, discussing and engaging with Jewish Identity, Tradition and Culture.

Conversion to Judaism is the web site of the Conversion to Judaism Resource Center. The Center provides information and advice to people who are considering converting to Judaism and to those who have converted.

My Jewish Learning is a trans-denominational website of Jewish information and education geared toward learners of all ages and educational backgrounds.

Judaism 101 is an online encyclopedia of Judaism, covering Jewish beliefs, people, places, things, language, scripture, holidays, practices and customs.

Responsa for Today features responsa written by Conservative/Masorti rabbis.

Guide to Practical Halachah and Home Ritual for Conservative Jews is meant to provide an introduction to selected practical Halachic topics from the viewpoint of Conservative Judaism. In addition, it gives some instruction on how to conduct various home rituals, and gives basic guidance for some situations when a rabbi may not be immediately available.

Torah from JTS is a commentary on the weekly parsha.

BecomingJewish.Org is an online information source for those considering conversion to Judaism, in the process of converting, Righteous Gentiles (B'nei Noach), and anyone interested in learning about Judaism. [caveat - this is my own site]

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